
We provide our customers with a custom and reliable "digital house" for their projects. Our team will be glad to provide you with support any time you need offering you advanced skills, reliability and transparency.

About us

We provide and customize web services to support and improve your projects. Custom hosting plans, both for professionals and absolute beginners, advanced solutions to empower your business.

Ten years of innovation, high-quality services and dedicated support

We are focused on our customers' satisfaction

professional support
24/7/365 always
by your side
datacenter experience
10+ years of
satisfied customers
25.000 Satisfied


staff keliweb
Paolo Chief Executive Officer
staff keliweb
Francesco Chief Technology Officer
staff keliweb
Giuseppe Lead Account Manager
staff keliweb
Giovanni Lead Web Developer
staff keliweb
Luigi Marketing Manager
staff keliweb
Francesco Cloud Area Manager
staff keliweb
Giuseppe System IT Manager
staff keliweb
Vincenzo Copywriter e SMM

What we can do for you

We provide you with the best tools to improve your projects

staff keliweb
mission keliweb

We are glad to provide you with support 24/7/365, Sundays included!

staff keliweb

We only have one goal: to build up a transparent long- lasting relationship with our customers.

datacenter infrastruttura

We provide you with an infrastructure at the leading edge of technology, based on Enterprise hardware inside our own Datacenter.

staff qualificato

Our team provides you with the best support in the shortest time ever for all our services.

staff qualificato

We create custom solutions for your needs in the most professional and reliable way ever.

soluzioni innovative

We develop new solutions and optimize our services to empower your projects and save your time.

Our story

timeline keliweb

Your data are safe in Keliweb datacenter


Datacenter ipv6 ready

With our new Datacenter DC2 we can provide 99,99 % SLA, reaching Tier4/Rating4 compliant classification, released by 2014 ANSI/TIA-942. A guarantee of professional reliability and security for our customers.


Our certifications

We provide our customers with the best-performing services. Keliweb's reliability is guaranteed by the best certifications in the technology business.

  • check ISO 9001
  • check ISO 27001, 27017, 27018


Our support is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, Sundays included.



Our system provides you with the highest level of protection against hacking and malware.


SLA and warranty

Our mission is to provide you with the best support in all circumstances.


Network Uptime

Keliweb guarantees the connectivity of all systems all with 99,99% annual SLA.

Work with us

We are looking for new talents in different areas

We look for dynamic and motivated people who want to take part to innovative projects, joining our professional team.

Open positions