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Hosting PHP Modules

Here is a short list of the PHP modules that you can find in Keliweb hosting plans. 

ctype - curl - date - dom - ereg - exif - filter - ftp - gd - gettext - hash - iconv - imap - json - libxml - mbstring - mcrypt - mysql - mysqli - mysqlnd - openssl - pcre - pdo - pdo_mysql - pdo_sqlite * - phar - posix - reflection - session - simplexml - soap - sockets - spl - sqlite3 * - suhosin - tokenizer - xcache - xml - xmlreader - xmlrpc - xmlwriter - xsl - zendguard - zip - zlib

Modules that you can enable or disable with KeliCMS and Cloud Hosting:
apc - bcmath - big_int - bitset - bz2 - bz2_filter - calendar - core - ctype - curl - date - dba - dbase - dbx - dom - doublemetaphone - eaccelerator - eio - enchant - ereg - exif - ffmpeg - fileinfo - filter - ftp - functional - gd - gender - geoip - gettext - gmp - haru - hash - hidef - htscanner - iconv - igbinary - imagick - imap - inclued - inotify - intl - ioncube_loader - json - ldap - libxml - lzf - magickwand - mailparse - mbstring - mcrypt - memcache * - memcached * - mhash - mongo * - msgpack - mssql * - mysql - mysqli - ncurses - oauth - odbc - opcache - openssl - pcntl - pcre - pdo - pdo_mysql - pdo_odbc - pdo_pgsql * - pdo_sqlite * - pgsql * - phar - posix - pspell - quickhash - radius - recode - reflection - rsync - session - shmop - simplexml - snmp - soap - sockets - sourceguardian - spl - spl_types - sqlite3 * - ssh2 - standard - stats - stem - stomp - suhosin - sysvmsg - sysvsem - sysvshm - tidy - timezonedb - tokenizer - trader - translit - uploadprogress - uri_template - uuid - wddx - weakref - xcache - xcache_3 - xdebug - xml - xmlreader - xmlrpc - xmlwriter - xrange - xsl - yaf - zend_guard_loader - zip - zlib

*= Module requiring a service that is not installed on a shared server. To work correctly it takes an  external server or a dedicated server.


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