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Import E-mail Accounts /Forwarders

To import e-mail accounts or forwarders, as you log-in to your cPanel control panel, click the icon "Address Importer" located in the "Email" tab. This feature allows you to use two types of files to create multiple email addresses or email forwarders for your account simultaneously.


You may use Excel spreadsheet files (.xls) or a comma-separated values sheet, aka CSV file (.csv) to import the data. A CSV file is a plain text file that has been given a .csv extension.

First, select what to import (e-mail accounts or forwarders) and then locate CSV or XLS file on your computer.

To import CSV/XLS files, you need to provide some information. If you import e-mail addresses you need to provide addresses, domain name, account password and quote. To import forwarders you have to provide all e-mail addresses to combine to the action and the forward (entering name and destination).

In the end, click "Next" to end the operation.

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