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Sistema di interscambio notifications

Sistema di Interscambio provides the sender with several typologies of notification to communicate the outcome of an electronic invoice delivery. All typologies of notification depends on the type of electronic invoicing and on the subjects involved.

In case of an exchange of electronic invoices between individuals (B2B and B2C) SdI may send the following typologies  of notification:

  1. NS
    The NS notification is a rejection message. The system sends this notification to the sender in case the invoice does not pass the required checks, in five days. The invoice has to be be considered unissued.
  2. RC
    If all SdI checks are successfully processed the invoice is delivered to the receiver. In this case the system provides the sender with the delivery receipt to confirm the operation. The invoice has to be considered both issued and delivered.
  3. MC (case 1)
    It may occur a failure in delivering the invoice to the receiver. In this case SdI provides the sender with a "failure in delivering" receipt, called MC. The invoice must be considered issued if not delivered yet. The electronic invoicing procedure is not over because the invoice hasn't been received yet.
  4. MC (case 2)
    If the subjects involved are not submitted to the electronic invoicing obligation, the sender must fill in the invoice typing as Codice Destinatario "0000000", in the required field. In this case, Sistema di Interscambio does not deliver the document to the final receiver but makes it available in Agenzia delle Entrate website. The sender must deliver a digital or analog copy of the electronic invoice and communicate the availability of the document in Agenzia delle Entrate website to the customer.

In case of electronic invoices to Public Administration the notifications will be the following ones:

  1. NS
    The NS notification is a rejection message. The system sends this notification to the sender in case the invoice does pass the required checks, in five days. The invoice has to be be considered unissued.
  2. RC
    If all SdI checks are successfully processed the invoice is delivered to the receiver. In this case the system provides the sender with the delivery receipt to confirm the operation. The invoice has to be considered both issued and delivered.
  3. NE
    NE is the outcome notification to the assignor. Sistema di Interscambio sends this notification to the sender to communicate the outcome of all the checks processed on the document received by the Public Administration.
  4. DT
    It's a deadline time notification, sent by the system both to sender and receiver to communicate the expiration of the time limit to communicate the acceptance/refuse.
  5. MC
    This is the missing delivery notification sent by the system to the sender in case of failure in delivering the document to PA. It may occur in case of disservices related to Public Administration.
  6. AT
    If the transmission disservice is not fixed in 10 days the system delivers the AT message to the sender. The message confirms the invoice transmission but the impossibility to deliver it.
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