MySQL - FAQ search

What you need to create a MySQL database

Creating a database is essential if you need dynamic contents in your website. For this operation you must be provided with a hostname (localhost), a database name, a database username and a database password. The hostname will be provided by your hosting provider while for creating your own name, username and password you can follow a simple procedure, using your cPanel control panel:

  1. Log-in to your cPanel control panel and click on “Database MySQL”, in “Database” section
  2. Type the database name in “Create new database
  3. Click on “Create database” to confirm the operation and wait for the uploading to end
  4. Type your username in Add new user” field 
  5. Type your password or use the “password generator” to create one
  6. Click on “Create new user” to confirm the operation
  7. Combine your username with your database in “Add new user to database” section and click on “Confirm to confirm the operation
  8. Allow all grants to your username
  9. Click on “Change to confirm your choice. 

To use "MySQL Database Wizard", check our related FAQ "How to create a Database in cPanel".

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